Fall 2017

Mission: Forge UCF into a hotspot for researchers and engineers passionate about computational intelligence and data science.

A Brief History

We were just founded by Felix Sosa, John Muchovej, and Richard DiBacco. They sought to address a lack of accessible, undergraduate, curriculum at UCF. Additionally, as budding intelligence researchers themselves, they felt a profound lack of community among fellow researchers and students passionate about advancing the fields related to computational intelligence.

How We’re Achieving the Mission

To achieve our goals, we take a varied approach – appealing to newcomers and seasoned researchers/engineers alike. Currently, our active groups are, each with a distinct purpose:

Our Results, so Far

Active Groups

AI@UCF: Fall 2017

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Our first offering of Core. We started out with a history of neural networks and learned to implement them, from sratch. We then delved into Reinforcement Learning and further explored Evolutionary Computation.

Officers, Guests, and Advisors

Felix Sosa
Felix Sosa
Annie Wu
Annie Wu
Guest Speaker

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We’re working on filling this out!