A World Controlled by AI

Other Meetings in this Series

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This week in AI@UCF we're discussing some of the strengths and weaknesses of our brain versus neural networks. We'll cover how machine learning currently compares to our minds and why it's easy to get excited about both!

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Whether it be self-driving cars, facial recognition, or virtual assistants, artificial intelligence seems to be making its way into nearly every aspect of our society. With AI's migration from just science fiction into the real world, one might wonder how we got here, or where was the "hype" ten to twenty years ago? In this meeting, AI@UCF will delve into the history of AI, uncovering the major figures and milestones that led us to where we are today.

Contributing Authors

Justin TenEyck
Justin TenEyck

Fascinated by the future, captured by the intersections of AI and robotics.