: Intro to Evolutionary Computation

Other Meetings in this Series

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Hey! This will be our second lecture in Unit 1 on Reinforcement Learning! We'll be reviewing what we learned about Markov Decision Processes and then go over Dynamic Programming, a method of solving Markov Decision Problems and the theoretical foundation for most solutions to modern RL problems. Come on out!

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Welcome to our second to last lecture for Fall 2017! We will be giving an introduction to neuroevolution, one of the most active subfields in evolutionary computation! We will be covering history, prominent algorithms and frameworks, current state-of-the-art research going on in the field here at UCF, and the recent attention this field has gotten from big names such as Google Brain, DeepMind, FAIR, Uber, MIT, and more!

Contributing Authors

Annie Wu
Annie Wu

Dr. Wu is a researcher focused on Evolutionary Computation and Multi-Agent Systems.